Piles / Arsha
Arsha (piles) is a condition in which a fleshy mass of variable size, shape and colour appears (due to varicosity of veins) in the anus. From the treatment point of view, Arsha may be divided into two groups viz. Shushkarsh (Dry piles) and sravi Arsh (exudating piles).
Sometimes Hemorrhoid or piles is painful condition identified by blood during defection. It is known as Bavasir in Hindi. It is Anorectal disorder identified by swelling of the blood vessels present inside and around the anus and rectum. Any damage or injury to such swelled veins causes them to come out of the anus.
In Ayurveda Piles is called as ARSHA. It is defined as”arivat pranan shrinoti hinasti iti arshah” A disease which tortures patient’s vital force (prana) as enemy is called as Arsha. Neglect of proper diet and lifestyle habits ends in reducing digestive fire (Agni) or making it abnormal called mandagni. It means inability to digest food material with proper pace and time leading to accumulation or stagnation of half-digested food material (Aama) in the form of stool inside, or expelling it before time in watery or semisolid form, which disturbs doshas at anorectal region.
Types of Piles
They are of four types:
• First Degree – It may cause bleeding; they remain inside of the anus.
• Second Degree – They may come out of the anus having defecation but returns to the original site on its own.
• Third Degree – They may come out of the anus. You have to put them to original place by pushing them with finger.
• Fourth Degree – They are present partly inside and outside of the anus, and cannot acquire original position once it comes out of the anus. This type of piles is critical and cause bleeding, pain, and sticky discharge.
• Second Degree – They may come out of the anus having defecation but returns to the original site on its own.
• Third Degree – They may come out of the anus. You have to put them to original place by pushing them with finger.
• Fourth Degree – They are present partly inside and outside of the anus, and cannot acquire original position once it comes out of the anus. This type of piles is critical and cause bleeding, pain, and sticky discharge.
External Hemorrhoids or Sentinel piles – They cause wounds that occur besides the anal canal, adjacent to the anus. They are painful, mainly if they have blood coagulation in them.
Prolapsed Hemorrhoids – Develop when the internal haemorrhoids come out of the rectum and expand. They produce itching and bleeding. They are painful and it gives feeling of the unemptied stomach fullness.
Causes of Piles
- Constipation
- Hereditary
- Chronic diarrhoea
- Heavyweights Lifting
- Obesity
- Consumption of Liquor, Tobacco, Drug
- Eating Junk Food
- Lazy lifestyle
- Continous Driving
- Heavyweights Lifting
- Continuous Sitting
- Pregnancy
Symptoms of Piles
- Unsatisfactory Stool
- Stool with or Without Bleeding
- Pain and discomfort in the anal area while sitting
- Pain while passing a stool
- Itchiness, redness, and swelling near the anus
- Painful lump around the anus

Treatment of Piles
Non-Operative Treatment
We use non-operative procedures for primary grade piles. In this, ProctoHeal Clinic recommends some natural medicines, lotions or cream. ProctoHeal Clinic prepares these herbal and Ayurvedic medicines by continuous study and research. We Named it NSPT (By Aushadi Chikitsa).
Operative Treatment
It is Ayurveda treatment first time invented by Acharya Sushrut before 5000 years. It is milder than surgery and thermal cautery procedure. The method can treat such places that are difficult to manage through conventional processes. Herbal -medical paste is applied on pile masses helps to shrink the mass maximum it takes 3-5 days and varies patient to patient. This is very effective treatment in ayurveda. Also known as MIPT- Minimal Invasive Piles Procedure.
It is an Ayurveda treatment first invented by Acharya Sushrut 5000 years ago. Later this therapy was developed by Dr. Deshpande for piles & fistula in BHU. Ligation of Ksharsutra is done for internal haemorrhoids. This method is best for piles & fistula which does not have any complication and side effects, negligible recurrence. The entire process requires local anaesthesia.
The treatment is also known as LHP (Laser haemorrhoid Plasty). It is the painless and rapid procedure that gives no scar on the skin.
It is a combination of traditional and modern techniques in which we use different ayurvedic herbs to prepare medicated Seton. We tag this Seton to piles. Then we remove this herbal thread without surgery and without causing any complications. We perform this entire treatment under the local anaesthesia.
The procedure is frequently used to eliminate haemorrhoids. In this, our doctor injects a solution into the root of the haemorrhoids. The chemical agent hardens haemorrhoid and shrinks the haemorrhoid tissue.
Stapled haemorrhoidectomy is best to treat the third-degree, fourth degree, prolapse piles, rectocele etc. By using the stapler and sutures, we repair the expanded hemorrhoidal supporting tissue.
In this, our expert ties a tiny rubber band over the basal portion of internal haemorrhoid. This tie-up cuts the blood flow flowing towards haemorrhoid.
How Piles Diagnosed
• Digital rectal exam: Your provider inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into your rectum to feel for swollen veins.
• Anoscopy: Your provider uses an anoscope (lighted tube) to view the lining of your anus and rectum.
• Sigmoidoscopy: Your provider uses a sigmoidoscope (lighted tube with a camera) to view inside the lower (sigmoid) part of your colon and rectum. Procedure types include flexible sigmoidoscopy and rigid sigmoidoscopy (proctoscopy)
• Anoscopy: Your provider uses an anoscope (lighted tube) to view the lining of your anus and rectum.
• Sigmoidoscopy: Your provider uses a sigmoidoscope (lighted tube with a camera) to view inside the lower (sigmoid) part of your colon and rectum. Procedure types include flexible sigmoidoscopy and rigid sigmoidoscopy (proctoscopy)
Prevention of Piles
• Do not sit too long or push too hard on the toilet.
• Go to the toilet when the urge hits — do not delay bowel movements.
• Drink Sufficient of water throughout the day.
• Eat more high-fiber foods (fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains)
• Stay physically active. Being on the move keeps bowels moving.
• Go to the toilet when the urge hits — do not delay bowel movements.
• Drink Sufficient of water throughout the day.
• Eat more high-fiber foods (fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains)
• Stay physically active. Being on the move keeps bowels moving.