Healing with Smile

Gas & Acidity

What is Acidity?

Acidity or hyperacidity is the burning sensation in the stomach that gradually rises in the oesophagus and causes moderate-to-extreme discomfort, characterised by belching and acid reflux. A sedentary lifestyle and mindless eating habits can lead to acidity. There are certain foods that could disturb the digestive mechanism, causing excess secretion of stomach acid.
Chronic acidity can also lead to a condition called heartburn, a lingering sensation in your chest similar to getting pricked by several needles at once. The discomfort and pain get worse as you lie down and try to get some sleep.

What does Ayurveda say about Acidity?

There may be a direct correlation between pitta and acidity. According to Ayurveda, elevated Pitta dosha and impaired Agni (digestive fire) are two primary reasons behind hyperacidity. Ayurveda recommends various remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments to treat acidity and improve digestion.
Ayurveda also suggests avoiding fermented foods and beverages to avoid acidity and other gastric issues.

Causes of Acidity?

Acidity may occur because of several factors. Further, these factors can be grouped into three major categories, as explained below.


The food you eat influences your body’s digestive processes and overall wellness. As far as acidity goes, it happens because of eating the wrong combinations of foods at the wrong time or eating spicy, fried food immediately followed by soda or milkshake. Here are a few examples of mindless eating that may lead to acidity.
  • Eating spicy, fried foods, such as burgers, pizza, chips, French fries, etc.
  • Using too many spices, garlic, clove, and chilly in your cooking.
  • Consuming baked items and fermented foods, such as dosa, idli, uttapam, etc.
  • Consuming tea/coffee in excess quantities, usually over 2 cups a day.
  • Inadequate water intake.


No matter how nutritious or clean your diet is, it means nothing if you do not engage in physical activities and take enough rest in a day. Here are some of the lifestyle habits that can lead to hyperacidity.
  • Working long hours without rest.
  • Lying down in bed or settling in your chair at work immediately after meals
  • Inadequate sleep
  • Skipping meals
  • Overeating or eating whether the previous meal is fully digested.

Mental/emotional State

What you feel or think reflects on how your body performs. A negative emotional or mental state can upset your stomach and impair digestion. Here are some of the common emotional/mental triggers of hyperacidity.
  • Work stress or not being able to enjoy your work
  • Anxiety, fear, and anger issues
  • Stressing too much over unfulfilled desires and aspirations can also give you trouble in the gut

Signs & Symptoms

As per Ayurveda, every individual has a unique constitution and may experience different symptoms of acidity. However, there are certain acidity symptoms that are found common among a majority of people. Let’s have a look.
Heart, throat, and chest burn followed by recurrent, sour belching is a sign of acidity. These symptoms often lead to aversion towards food even when you are hungry.
You may also experience a condition called acid reflux, also described as regurgitation of food mixed with stomach acid. In extreme cases, acid reflux often turns into frequent episodes of vomiting or loose motions.
Bloating, pain and heaviness because of the formation of excess gas in the lower abdomen is another common symptom of acidity.
The acidity makes you feel more thirsty than usual since it’s your body’s natural calling to neutralize excess acid formation in the stomach.

Managing Acidity - Home Remedies and Tips

Especially in Indian households, ways to deal with acidity start at home. Here are a few herbal remedies that may help relieve acidity and get your life back to normal.

Fennel Seeds

Taking 1 tsp of fennel seeds after meals may reduce the risk of acidity. Fennel seeds help in digestion and in regulating acid production in the stomach. You can either chew fennel seeds with a pinch of sugar or take it with lukewarm water.

Cumin Seeds

Roasted cumin seeds taken with lukewarm water may help relieve acidity and its symptoms, such as heartburn, nausea, bloating, etc.

Watermelon juice

Watermelon juice is not only good for digestion, but it can also help you feel at ease if you are suffering from acidity.


It’s normal to experience acidity after overeating or consuming deep-fried food. Chewing a few stalks of clove after your meals can keep stomach acid secretion in check and improve the symptoms of acidity.

Mint Leaves

The cooling sensation of mint leaves can help you find temporary relief from heartburn and acid reflux. Mint Leaves also support digestion and control bad breath.


Buttermilk may help neutralise acidity and soothe the burning sensation. For better results, add black pepper powder and coriander.

Ginger tea

Ginger comprises phenolic compounds and antioxidants that support digestion and may treat various gastric issues, including acidity. Prepare ginger tea by boiling grated ginger in water for 10 minutes. Strain the water into a glass and have it before meals to ensure healthy digestion.


The enzymes in papaya help neutralise the excess stomach acid and relieve acidity. Consuming papaya every day may help improve digestion and regulate stomach acid secretion to prevent belching and heartburn.

Chilled Milk

If you don’t have immediate access to any of the above Ayurvedic remedies for acidity, drink cold milk without sugar to pacify the burning sensation in your digestive tract. Cold milk is not only soothing to drink but may also neutralise excess stomach acid to give you temporary relief.


Sometimes your digestive enzymes may act out and cause excess acid formation in the stomach despite eating clean and healthy. In that case, eating a banana or two with cold milk may relieve the burning sensation in your digestive tract and suppress the symptoms of acidity.

Carom seeds

Carom seeds are believed to support digestion and treat various digestive disorders, such as acidity and bloating. Take 1 tsp of carom seeds with a pinch of salt and lukewarm water. For faster relief, consider chewing carom seeds before swallowing them with water.

Do's and Don'ts

If you are prone to acidity and experience symptoms almost every day, make some lifestyle adjustments or give up certain eating habits to keep your digestive system in order. Here are a few do’s and don’ts that you may want to consider avoiding acidity.


  • Sleeping on the left side is recommended because of gravity, the shape of the stomach, and the angle of the connection between it and the oesophagus.
  • Keep your head and chest slightly raised to reduce the risk of acid reflux.
  • Spread your daily food intake over six smaller meals.
  • Engage in moderate exercises.
  • Have your supper at least 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Chew every bite of food 32 times before swallowing it.
  • Being overweight is one of the leading causes of acidity. Losing a few healthy kilos may make your acidity issues disappear gradually.


  • Avoid lying down immediately after meals.
  • Avoid fermented foods and alcoholic beverages.
  • Avoid overeating, especially junk food.


According to Ayurveda, acidity is caused by vitiated pitta dosha, which leads to excessive stomach acid production. You can manage acidity symptoms by making a few dietary changes.
For immediate relief from acidity, you can take carom seeds, almonds, cloves, and cumin seeds.
It is also recommended to follow Ayurveda-recommended Dincharya and engage in moderate exercises to ensure good gut health.
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