Healing with Smile

Anal Polyp

Polyps of the anal canal and rectum are called tumor-like benign formations that emanate from the mucous membrane of the anorectal region. Often their development is asymptomatic, but they can also manifest as discomfort in the anal passage or itching, pain and even bleeding due to erosion.
If anal polyps are infected, it can lead to paraproctitis and the appearance of anal cracks. It is necessary to remove the rectal polyps, because they are able to go to the segment of malignant, they are referred to precancerous diseases of the rectum.

What is a polyp?

Anal polyps are benign and can occur in groups, as well as one at a time. This disease can be found in people of any age, even in children. Family polyposis (hereditary), which is present in close relatives, tends to become malignant. Polyposis affects more men (one and a half times) than women. About 10% of people over 45, according to research conducted by the American Cancer Association, suffer from polyps in the intestines. 1% of cases of this disease become malignant. However, if the signs of bleeding (malignancy) have been identified already at an early stage and timely medical care is provided, the prognosis is much better (84% of patients survive).

Types of polyps:

Anal polyps can be divided by distribution and by number: multiple polyps in the form of groups of formations in different parts of the colon and polyp single, as well as diffuse hereditary polyposis.
According to the morphological structure, polyps can be divided into fibrous, glandular-villous, glandular, juvenile (cystic-granulating), hyperplastic and villous. Moreover, the pseudopolyposis is also isolated, when in case of chronic inflammation, the mucosa grows according to the type of polyps.

Symptomatic of polyps of the rectum

Any specific manifestations of clinical, which would help to say with certainty about the presence of this pathology, polyps of the rectum is not available. The severity and presence of symptoms depends on the number of polyps, the morphological structure, their size, location, and the absence or presence of malignant growth. But this is not all, very often the clinical picture is accompanied by symptoms of concomitant pathologies.
Typically, the detection of polyps occurs during endoscopic examination of the intestine for another disease. Large anal polyps can appear bloody or mucous discharge from the anus, a sense of presence in the anus of the foreign body, discomfort. There are painful sensations in the ileum, as well as the lower abdomen. Often, polyps can cause a disruption of the activity of intestinal peristalsis, while contributing to the occurrence of diarrhoea or constipation.
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