Anal Fissure
Types of Anal Fissure
Anal fissures develop at the front or on the back side. They are two types as follows:
• Chronic fissure – This kind of fissures requires more time for the cure.
Anal Fissure Symptoms:
- Burning with and after defecation
- Bleeding during and after stool
- A visible hole or crack near the skin of the anus
- Development of patch or lump near the fissure
- Severe pain in the anal region at the time of bowel discharge
- Layers or lines of blood on stools
- Itching in the anus
- Above complaints may present on & off to patient.
Anal Fissure Causes
- Damages to anal area cause the holes
- Continued diarrhoea and hard stool discharge
- Wrong insertion of surgical tools to the anus forms cracks
- Decreased blood pressure limits the healing of cracks
- The extreme force applied to anus compress the blood capillaries transporting blood to the anal canal
- The events that occur in women life like giving birth to a child, vaginal and anal damage develop an anal fissure
- Anal cancers are also responsible for cracks in the anus
- Crohn's disease, leukaemia and some other conditions like TB (tuberculosis), viral epidemics equally accountable for developing anal fissures.
Anal Fissure Treatments
- Use stool softeners or thinners like ProctoSoft, Cassiphil etc
- More liquids and healthy diet
- Sitz bath to reduce sensitivity, and improve blood circulation
- Ayurveda medicines Procto AF etc
- Use of creams or pain relievers to the anus to enhance blood movement
- Some injections work to inhibit cracks in the anus by paralyzing the muscle.

Operational Treatments
It is an enormous healing procedure which clears the colon using medicines. The technique increases the healing and secures the anus from tearing.
It is an older method of treating anal fissure. In this, the doctor manually stretches the anal canal to relieve the pressure.
Ligation of Ksharsutra is done for Fissure in Ano. This method is best for fissure & fistula and piles which does not have any complication and side effects, negligible recurrence. The entire process requires localanaesthesia.
A fissurectomy is the best treatment for anal fissures. The procedure requires an incision in the sphincter muscles. Most recommends surgery for treating tears in the distal anal canal.
We are the best in performing laser treatments. The procedure requires short recovery time. It is very easy and straightforward procedure. The method is free of blood and pain. We recommend this surgery for treating tears in the distal canal.
It is an enormous healing procedure which clears the entire colon using medicines. The technique increases the pace of healing and secures the anus from tearing.