Healing with Smile

Anal Fissure

An intense or long-lasting hole or cracks in the anal region produces anal fissures. These breaks give sharp pain and strain during stool release.It is common in men and women including the anus and anal canal, mainly in the anoderm. The most leading position for an anal fissure is the midline behind the anal canal.It equally develops in both young and old men, and women. During Infancy, an anal fissure is the main reason for the rectal bleeding.

Types of Anal Fissure

Anal fissures develop at the front or on the back side. They are two types as follows:

Acute fissure – Acute crack occurs abruptly and needs two weeks for their proper healing.
Chronic fissure – This kind of fissures requires more time for the cure.

Anal Fissure Symptoms:

The condition of an anal fissure may produce the following symptoms:

Anal Fissure Causes

Anal Fissure Treatments

Operational Treatments

Some dietary and lifestyle changes along with proper medications will fix the and fissure. But, some types of anal fissures demand surgical repair

It is an enormous healing procedure which clears the colon using medicines. The technique increases the healing and secures the anus from tearing.

It is an older method of treating anal fissure. In this, the doctor manually stretches the anal canal to relieve the pressure.

Ligation of Ksharsutra is done for Fissure in Ano. This method is best for fissure & fistula and piles which does not have any complication and side effects, negligible recurrence. The entire process requires localanaesthesia.

A fissurectomy is the best treatment for anal fissures. The procedure requires an incision in the sphincter muscles. Most recommends surgery for treating tears in the distal anal canal.

We are the best in performing laser treatments. The procedure requires short recovery time. It is very easy and straightforward procedure. The method is free of blood and pain. We recommend this surgery for treating tears in the distal canal.

It is an enormous healing procedure which clears the entire colon using medicines. The technique increases the pace of healing and secures the anus from tearing.

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